Friday, November 16, 2007

Mind Power - Can you Manifest a Thousand Dollars Right Now Using This?

Some folks have claimed that not only can you manifest a thousand dollars using this technique that can influence the subconscious mind, but that you can indeed magnetize untold riches. What is the technique?

The technique involves visualizing your desired outcome with an element of emotion attached.

A Thousand Dollar Visualization Meditation

The ability to visualize is increasingly recognized as a key component in attaining one's desires. Visualization meditations focused on attracting abundance should therefore be one part of a wealth creation strategy. (A great book complete with examples visualizations is Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization.)

Here we offer a creative visualization designed to magnetize money into your life - in this case one thousand dollars.

It is generally agreed that in order to make visualizations more effective the element of emotion should be attached to the visualization. Scientists note that we are more apt to remember events that have been highly charged emotionally. Therefore, before proceeding with this manifestation take a moment to remember a time of great joy or happiness. Attach that memory of joy or elation to this money meditation. This abundance meditation will now be much more powerful.

To begin, relax and feel the energy of abundance flow into you. You are relaxed and energized and can feel waves of prosperity entering your life. You are now open to receiving abundance in your life. You are mentally ready to receive whatever amount of wealth that comes to you. With more wealth in your life you can give generously to others to perpetuate the cycle of wealth and abundance.

In your mind's eye see yourself magnetizing $1000 into your life now. See it coming quickly. Be open to receiving an extra $1000 in your life. In your mind's eye, notice that once you receive this extra windfall you will consider donating 10% of it to help others. Know also that the universe will be all the more likely to fulfill your request knowing that you will be helping others in the process.

Now visualize this extra $1000 flowing into your life now. Be open to receiving it in whatever form it comes, be it from pay raises, increased business, unexpected bonuses, gifts, lotteries, etc.. Just know and expect that you are magnetizing this extra $1000 now. Feel that the universe wants you to have this extra money knowing that as you receive more money in your life you'll be giving more.

You are now open to receiving an extra $1000 into your life. Repeat to yourself, I am magnetizing an extra $1000 into my life now. I am open to receiving this money now. I will graciously accept any extra money that comes into my life.

Share the Wealth

Now, let's Visualize One of Your Family or Friends or someone you know who could use the extra income.

The laws of the universe seem to indicate that the more we give to and help others the more the universe reciprocates in kind to us. I'm saying this to plant the seed in your mind that anytime you are helping others it Will come back to you multiplied. Let that germinate and know that everytime you start sending the energy of wealth, abundance, success, healing, joy, etc., to someone else, that your life will also be filled with more of the like. (This is a powerful technique you can use to actually change how people react to you as well - try sending good energy to those you interact with.)

Therefore, you can magnetize more wealth and attract abundance for yourself not only by engaging in wealth visualizations for yourself but for others as well! Combine the two and you magnify the power of the meditation.

So, now picture an extra $1000 flowing into the lives of the person or persons you are picturing now. Each and every one of them receiving an extra $1000 in some way, shape or form. Know that this money will be a nice benefit for them. Expect it to happen. $1000 coming to you. $1000 dollars coming to them. The universe has an abundant supply of wealth. A thousand dollars is flowing into your life, see it happening. A thousand dollars is flowing into their lives.

As you send this energy out to others know that the Universe is intelligent enough to find and bless those for whom the message is intended. Believe it and see it in your mind.

Know that the powerful flow of abundance radiates from you to your family and friends. Both you and they are being magically transformed into magnets for wealth, success and abundant love. You both now attract more and more gold, money, cash, coins, and all manner of golden opportunities to you. You also radiate a spiritual power that all are attracted to. Feel yourself becoming a magnet of attraction for all manner of power, success, wealth, health, and love. Feel the transformation occurring now.

You are a magnet of wealth. Others want to give to you and you gladly and graciously accept their generosity. In turn, you become more and more generous, sharing your ever-increasing wealth and success with others in your life.

Inwardly acknowledge the power of this affirmation of abundance. Know that you have the mind power to manifest this money and know that the universe wants you to have it. Then once you receive it remember to share some of it with others!

The secret of attracting abundance and manifesting wealth that goes beyond an abundance mentality or prosperity consciousness? Join a free abundance club that offers a wealth strategy that utilizes group mind power.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mind Power - How to Benefit From the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction is now universally known and practiced throughout the world. It was proven to be fundamental law of how to be success. In this article, we are going to go into Law of Attraction in details. We are going to see how we can apply Law of Attraction in to our life and benefit from it immediately.

Brian Tracy explains Law of Attraction clearly in his book "The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success". By the way, this is a very good book that you should have. He says all human beings are like living magnets. We attract people, situation and circumstances into our life by our dominant thought. It is the thought that influences us at that particular point of time and it is unavoidable.

Law of Attraction is one of the best laws that explain how people succeed or fail. There have been many writings on Law of Attraction since 3000 years Before Christ. The law is as old as many mystery teachings in ancient Egypt era. Law of Attraction is so powerful that it centralizes all factors involving in what you do, talk or even think or feel. Everything that happens to your life is attracted by your thoughts. You can change your life by changing how you think. What you want, it also wants you. This explains how Law of Attraction works.

Your thought has tremendous power. It comes in form of thinking and mind power that travel in the lightening speed. It can penetrate anything even a very thick wall. There may be some circumstance that you think of some person who stayed far away from you. In just a few minutes, you get a phone call from that exact same person. Your mind has contacted him at that second you think of him.

Whenever you have unfavorable situation in life, you can make use of Law of Attraction by changing your thought. Change your thought on your practice, your values and your view of future. It will be a quick process and you will get the result in a short period of time. Here are some tips to benefit from Law of Attraction.

1. Think only what you want.

Most people think of what they don't want all the time. They focus on how miserable their life is instead of how to get what they want. They blame other people or situation for their own failure. This is a normal way of human behavior. It is a defense mechanism that came with us since we were born. Human wants to be right. Our instinct makes it that way. The good news is that we can control our thought. And so we can control our future. Make a decision now to focus only on what you want so that you can attract the favorable situation for your goal achievement.

2. Plan your day and take actions toward your goal.

Although Law of Attraction helps us on attracting the situation we want, we need to also do our part. It doesn't mean that we don't have to do anything. We will not benefit from the situation if we don't do what we are supposed to do. We have to have our goals set. We need to write down our plan and take actions toward our goals. There is no exception to anybody. We need to take massive actions to get success. There is no other way.

3. Visualize Regularly.

One of the most powerful ways to use the law of attraction is to make visualization. Regular visualization will send the right signal to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will work on the attraction from our visualization. Visualize the situation you want and feel as if it is happening in front of you right now. If you make visualization regularly and effectively, it will attract those images into reality. You may want to add background audio to accelerate your attraction. There are many in the market. Attraction Accelerator can also be one of your choices.

Law of Attraction can be a tool to your success. If you use if effectively, it can bring you all you want in life. In this article we talk about the Law and how to make use of it quickly.

Jim Somchai Read more of his articles from his site Get The Attraction Accelerator to help your visualization and attraction. Geting FREE REPORT ON SUCCESS SCIENCE and Earn Money.

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Mind Power - Desire For Success

Desire has been identified by psychologists as the first ingredient for success in any endeavour. A Greek philosopher, whose student approached to teach him how to acquire wisdom fast was said to have taken the student to a river. The teacher then held the student's head and pushed it down into the water until he, student, almost choked to death. When the philosopher let go, he explained to the baffled student that the desire for wisdom must be as strong as the desire for air.

Success in life must not be left to chance or luck. If you cast your mind back to those things you have achieved such as your educational qualification, job, car, home or spouse; all started out as seeds of desire sown within you. However, desire must be complemented with belief because eminent psychologists have maintained that "whatever the mind of man conceives and believes it can achieve". If you desire something and strongly believe it, your brain is said to become magnetised with thoughts associated with this desire you hold in mind. It is only a matter of time for this to materialise and become visible.

What you desire can only become a reality when you mentally see, feel and believe that which you seek. The mind behaves like a camera, merciless in its operation as it does not distinguish between good desire and bad or evil desire. Once the mind has photographed the desire registered on it, the message is passed down from the conscious mind to the subconscious where it is acted upon in a most mysterious manner no man can fathom. Bringing about reality becomes a matter of time from there on.

The issue of belief is very important in the matter of attaining success. Your desire cannot be out of proportion with your belief. For instance, if you desire to become the President or prime Minister of your country and you do not believe down deep inside that it is possible, you might as well forget you desire. You have failed even before you start. What you desire must be what you believe because what you conceive and believe is what you can achieve. Most psychologists have agreed on this.

Desire is an emotion that can be transformed into energy for positive or negative ends. The high fliers in our midst are those who have channelled this energy generated by desire into productive use, making positive strides by way of individual achievements admired by people around. The energy generated by desire can be so strong that an individual can continue striving or struggling far beyond his normal limits. For instance, think of the student who is due to take a final or elimination examination the next day. The last thing to attract the student would be his warm cosy bed, because sleep becomes some form of luxury to him. He is now obsessed with the desire for success.

Let me dwell a bit more on obsession. For desire to usher in success, it must become an obsession of some sort. You must be as obsessed as one Edwin Barnes, who appeared at the famous Thomas Edison's laboratory in New Jersey, USA, asking to be the inventor's partner. Barnes looked like a tramp because of his crumpled clothing, the result of a long railroad trip. In spite of this, his desire glowed like fire. This attitude won him a job with Edison initially, until later when Barnes was to successfully market a new machine made by the inventor, which no sales man wanted to test. Because of his tenacity, Barnes later retired a very wealthy young man.

What is it you wish most today? Reflect on it and then begin to desire it very deeply. Think about it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Try this simple experiment for the next 30 days and the results will amaze you.

You can learn more about this and other fascinating principles of the Success through Mind Power philosophy, which I have taught at the famous National War College, Abuja, Nigeria. My book of the same name is available at the website

Author: Michael Obi

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Mind Power - Love, Relationships and Sacred Love - Fighting Off the Gremlins that Shorten Relationships

Love is an amazing journey. There are many people who can love really deeply. Often people say to me "I love really deeply and so I get hurt a lot" but I would like to argue today, that nature disagrees with that assessment.

The ability to love cannot be measured in the opportunities to celebrate the good times, the emotional highs or positives. This is the shallowest love. Sometimes the person who claims to hold the deepest love, has the complete opposite because their love, cannot be sustained when things get difficult.

The real measure of love, is "how resilient it is?"

Love is life any pleasure. More does not always make you happier. You can make love all the weekend but 30 seconds after you stop one phone call comes in from your ex partner and you go into an emotional spiral. If things like this can send you down, then your love might be called an infatuation. If outside disturbances send you into an emotional spiral, then your love, no matter how passionate is incomplete love.

If your love is interrupted by worry or anger, then it is a weak love, a love filled with emotional uppers, balanced by emotional downers.

Love is a power. It is the power of sustainability. Love is the laser focus, where you make every moment count. Yes, stuff happens to us, parents die, friends get upset, children disobey and demand, work is stressful and travel exhausting. But love is like a martial art, it is not passive. It does not sit behind your dynamics with people waiting for the air to be clear before it is given priority. Love is the priority on which you live.

It is wise to consider this in your relationships. Because the consequence of not prioritising love is disastrous. Love does not imply that other things, other elements of your life do not exist, however, love does imply that the chord that links you, no matter where you are is more important that the emotional attachments you have to other things.

I meet people all over the world, who, in the first months of a relationship are gushing and loving, sort of like a lasso they throw out in order to capture their lover. But within a short period of time, distractions draw them away, excuses for not showing up start to trickle into their offering of love.

Oh, my mother is upset because I didn't invite her to stay for October. Oh, my father hates me because I like my mother. Oh, my ex might reduce the maintenance payments if we do that. Oh, I can't afford a baby sitter this week. Oh, I am so distressed, I don't like my apartment. Oh, the business is not going well, I am so worried about it. Oh, my back is so sore I need to take anti inflammatory. Oh, I am too tired to trave there. Oh, I don't feel like. Oh, my friend said I was mean to her, but I wasn't.

These are what I call, the gremlins. Little warriors of emotions that come to take love and split it into, an undercurrent, "sure we love each other, we are both very busy though" The gremlins find their way through self important emotional dramas, through the invasion of people who are not relevant, and the gremlins eventually take over.

Protecting your relationship from gremlins means protecting your relationship from your outer circle. Your love is a sanctuary, like a holy place, a sacred place and all emotion, whether it be love making or work or worry, must be subordinate to it.

Love is sacred. If you treat it so, love is a magnificent place from which to live. But if you are the victim of your emotions, blown here, running there, ups and downs, over and ups, your love will no longer be a priority, and over a short period of time, will turn to tatters. Pleasure is the bandaid the uninitiated use to repair love that is filled with gremlins, sexuality with a fancy negligee, but such weapons against gremlins fails.

To feed the hungry gremlins means to feed drama. There will never be enough pleasure to make the gremlin happy. After a week on a wonderful romantic honeymoon, one phone call, one piece of information can wipe all the happiness out, and turn the moment to a disaster. You can swim in a five star swimming pool and have luxury treatments in a spa, but one molecule of news can wipe it all. For those whose commitment to love is weak, the cracks of self importance through which the gremlins creep are wide open.

The gremlins that kill relationships, rarely come from within the relationship. Two lovers may find the space and love that is truly sacred. But then ex partners, families, money issues, work, health, ambitions, greed, jealousy, friends jealousy, kids, and more start to creep in. They are the enemy. The gremlins. You must be at war with those gremlins. You must know they are like a cancer that so quickly erodes the beauty and integrity of sacred love.

To live in sacred relationship we must learn mind control. Learn to master our reactions to emotional triggers. The self indulgent person is deluded in thinking the pleasure will last without mind control. They lack it. They are the victim, disempowered, seeking peaceful places because they do not have the mind power to create peace within. These emotionally frail individuals blame the world for their lack of mind control. They blow like the wind, moody, reactive. Such a person cannot sustain sacred love.

Mind control comes with the understanding of the Universal Laws of nature.

Prioritise love. Prioritise love. Beyond love making, prioritise love, the sanctuary between you where no other news, no other soul, no noise, no disturbance, no problem or person can invade. Hold this space sacred, never release it. 24/7 this is the space where two lovers work, live and play. Sacred love can be so strong that there is no need to worship Gods and Goddess in temples or places of religion, love is god, and god is love, sacred love is that home and it exists in the heart of two warriors. To people who are ready to work for what they believe is possible. Sacred Love.

Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris's work and journeys to Nepal, visit

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